Help Protect Green Lake

Do your part to protect Green Lake. Here are a few things you can start doing to help preserve our lake.
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Do your part to protect Green Lake. Here are a few things you can start doing to help preserve our lake.

Green Lake offers elegant views, breathtaking sunsets and seasonal recreation for our community and membership.  As a community we share responsibility to make sure we preserve this beauty for future generations.   Lakeshore stewardship and education plays an essential part in keeping our lake healthy.  Let’s work together and do our part to protect Green lake.

  • Both shoreline and aquatic plants are critical in maintaining a clean and healthy lake.  Having a buffer strip adjacent to water acts like a buffer and filters runoff and other harmful nutrients from entering the lake.   Mow higher. Keeping your grass length to 2½ – 3 inches is healthier for your lawn – and means you can mow less often.  Control soil erosion around your house. When left bare, soil is easily washed away with rain
  • Stop using phosphoric fertilizer.  Phosphorus causes increased algae blooms which harm water quality food resources and habitats.  Use phosphorus free fertilizer and slow release nitrogen.   The three numbers on the bag indicate N-P-K Nutrient analysis.  A “zero” in the middle means it is phosphorus free. Apply fertilizer at recommended rates and do not fertilize before a storm.
  • Pick up pet/geese waste. Pet waste can contain harmful bacteria as well as phosphorus. Flush it in the toilet or place in the garbage.
  • Reduce/limit driveway salt use in the winter.