See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.


What beautiful weather for the Ki-Chi- Saga Days celebration!  We set up our GLA booth in the park on Sat.  We had information on what we do and how everyone can help keep our lakes clean.  We also gave out free non-leaded fishing tackle and had GLA items for sale.  Debbie Legan of Shorview was the winner of a hooded sweatshirt in our free  drawing.

On Sunday we had our GLA pontoon in the parade.  Again, what a beautiful day!  We passed out candy and enjoyed seeing everyone come out for this event.  Thank you too all the volunteers that helped with these events.

Pam Standish

New Channel Open between Big and Little Green

A resolution to the channel issues between Big and Little Green has been a long time coming but is finally here. For those who are not aware a new channel has been dredged to the east side of the old one. Dredging of the new channel was done via barge and back hoe the week of Aug 10th. The work was done by BVF Inc out of Cambridge and funded by the Lake Improvement District. Also a few of the GLA members contributed extra funds in their annual membership fee to be used for the channel project.

These funds have been sent to the LID with there purpose noted. The old channel will remain as a spawning area for walleye. Due to the new channel location it is hoped that the sand bottom rather than rock will help keep the channel markers in place. This has been a major problem for years. The GLA would personally like to thank Rick Ekstrand for representing the association in this endeavor and spearheading getting the project started. This project may not have happened without his involvement. Thanks Rick!. For all of us who live on the lake and visitors that have sought safe passage between Big and Little Green we know what a fantastic accomplishment this is. As a final note, in the construction of the new channel rocks have been added to each side of the marked opening for fish spawning and structural support. If you observer the channel markers you will have no issues. If you stray out side the markers you will be replacing your prop. Enjoy the new access.

Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

This spring and summer has been interesting to say the least. Many temperature ups and downs and a sever moisture deficit. Because of this the summer season seems to have been very short.

We have enjoyed some benefits of the weather along with some frustrations. On the positive side the lack of runoff due to low rain fall has minimized algae blooms. Because of this, water clarity has been the best I have seen in some time. There are a few heavy weed pockets in Big and Little Green but the overall condition of the lakes in respect to Curly Leaf and Milfoil is good.

On the negative side the low water level has played havoc with docks and boat lifts. I am sure anyone with this equipment has had to move to deeper water one or two times. Also getting from Big to Little Green has been more of a challenge than normal. All this said we can be thankful it has been a relatively severe weather free season and I’m sure everyone has taken advantage of the few summer like days we have had. The GLA is working hard to continue being stewards of our lake. This has become a difficult task do to lack of volunteers and financial support. I personally want to see this organization continue to treat for invasive species in Green Lake and other special activities the association becomes involved in. Sorry to say we are approaching a cross roads on whether The GLA can continue in the same capacity as in the past.

Without volunteers the Green Lake Association will cease to exist. The current board members have served multiple terms and several committee members commitments have ended. We are in need of new faces to replenish our committee member ranks and individuals who would consider taking on the following board positions: President, Secretary and Treasure. Filling of board member positions will not be an overnight expectation. Anyone interested in any of these positions will have ample time to work with the current position holder to get comfortable. These positions do require a small commitment but a commitment never the less. As in any volunteer organization the more individuals that are involved the less is required by any one person.

From its resurrection almost ten years ago the GLA has made great strides forward in the treatment of invasive weeds in Green Lake. Given the ability to chemically treat for Curly Leaf and Milfoil using our own association treatment boat and expertise saves the lake shore property owners thousands of dollars per season over hiring a private company to do the treatments. The GLA is of great importance in helping to maintain the general health of Green Lake. Be aware without your lake association there is no one else who will be stepping forward to watch out for the well being of the lake. I will end my article with a plea for volunteers who care about the quality of the lake they live on and are willing to commit some of their time to preserve this special resource. The GLA will monitor the responses to this request and the results will dictate what the association will be capable of in 2010. Please consider becoming involved and preserving the Green Lake Association and the valuable work it does. Contact me or any of the board members listed in the contacts section of the news letter. I wish you all a safe and fun remainder of the summer and a great future for the GLA.

Dan Standish
GLA President

Treasurer’s Report

Green Lake Association Chisago City MN Treasurer Report

Time to enjoy the beautiful colors and reflect on memories of this past summer.

As I’m preparing to review this past year financial, our organization has experienced highs and lows.  Our “highs” for this year: an awesome turnout for the Spring bingo, Silent Auction and Meat Raffle.  The “lows”: GLA memberships are down, drop in price per pound on our can recycling bin and the loss of financial support from Chisago City. This resulted in GLA not meeting our budget for 2009.

Final financial numbers will be published at the Annual Meeting on November 5, 2009.

Julie Vick – Treasurer

Loon Nests Project Update

The Green Lake Association would like to thank Gary Maslowski, Mark Peterson and Wayne Gartland for building the 3 loon nests. We placed one on Little Green by Lakeside school, one by Camp Ojiketa and the final one by the Thompson farm. We hope this will boost the loon population on our lake.

Treasurer’s Report

Green Lake Association Chisago City MN Treasurer Report

Bring on the Summer Weather!

The spring bingo was very well attended and it exceeded our expectations.  Thanks to all who attended this event.  Looking forward to another one in the fall.
We currently have 75 paid members (as of May 15).  GLA will be updating the paid members listing throughout the year on our website.

GLA is an ALL Volunteer organization solely supported by membership fees, donations and fundraisers.

Julie Vick – Treasurer

Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

Summer is approaching fast and with it water activities will abound. The Green Lake Association works diligently to do what it can to keep our lake clean and safe. Water
quality is a priority when putting together our strategy for treating Curly Leaf and Eurasian Water Milfoil. These two invasive weeds play a large part in our ability to enjoy
all that lake living has to offer.

On May 14th the GLA treated thirty-one acres of Curly Leaf under the supervision of the DNR. Seven acres were treated in Little Green and the remaining twenty-four in Big Green.  In mid June twenty-four acres in the south bay will be treated for Milfoil. Do to budget constraints we will be treating twenty-five less acres than last year. In dealing with the drop in acreage we have tried to be more strategic in the areas treated. Bands were treated 150ft out from shore in an attempt to hug the line where private spraying leaves off. The mindset is to give an extra thirty to sixty feet of clear water from the 150ft mark of the areas treated. The GLA is hoping for better results this year. We treated at a water temperature five degrees warmer then last year. Mother Nature may also have given us a break. Thick ice and heavy lake snow block the sun light and curb the weed growth. The combination of treating at a warmer water temperature and getting some help from nature may give us a good season of weed control in the treated areas. Treating for exotic weeds is not an exact science. There are many factors that can affect the outcome and each season involves trial and error in trying to perfect our treatment process. We all can agree that without ongoing treatments for these invasive weeds there is a good chance our lake will succumb to their choking reality.

Please support your lake association’s efforts by becoming a member and volunteer. The GLA can’t do it with out you. Have a great summer and I hope to see you at our one of our events.

Dan Standish

Business Advertising – Thank You!

Thanks to all the businesses for advertising in our newsletter.
Renewal notices were mailed in March and were due by May 1.
Ads run June,2009-June, 2010.

If you would like to renew and have not done so, please remit your payment by June 30 to ensure that your ad will be listed in our fall newsletter.

If you know of anyone who would like to advertise in our newsletter, please have them contact Julie Vick @ 257-3877 or e-mail me for information.

Paid Business Renewals:
River Bank
Lake Restoration
Kendall Howard, LLC
Marine Dock & Lift
Mark’s Cedar Sheds & Gazebos
Mack Landscaping
Rick Ekstrand – Realty Executives
Croix Valley Pick-Up
Chisago Drug
Chisago Warehouse Liquors

Camp Ojiketa

The newly acquired Chisago City park, Camp Ojiketa is underway with much planning.  As a part of the Ojiketa Steering Committee, I’m pleased to announce that we have met with many community members and organizations to discuss future plans for this great green space. Many ideas have been discussed to keep this as a camping area with public access to the trails for all to enjoy. As you may be aware Chisago City has already announced some rental availability. Of course this is a work in progress.

Please know we are still continuing to look for any kind of input or ideas from the community. We welcome your thoughts and want to know what you may or may not want for this park site. Your opinion does matter and we do want to hear from you!

With that said, we are encouraging community members to comment on the Chisago City’s website at Go to Contact Us and click on email contract form. This data will be collected and reviewed by the city and committee members.

Thanks for your time and be safe on the lake!
Tanya Koester-Radmann, GLA member

The Green Lake Association Membership Picnic

Join us Saturday, August 15 forThe Green Lake Association Membership Picnic from noon to 3PM.

We do appreciate all of our volunteers and members.  Hot dogs, hamburgers, and pop are provided and everyone is asked to bring a dish.  The place is yet to be determined.