See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.
Fourth Annual 4th of July Boat Parade
Use your imaginations –
with your boats, pontoons, personal water craft and join in the fun. See how creative you can get decking out your watercraft and joining the parade! We will have more details forthcoming about this event.
Duck Houses & Loon Nest Project Thanks
The Green Lake Association would like to send a “Thank You” to the following members who volunteered their time and talents to building the duck houses:
Mark Peterson (Mark’s Sheds and Gazebos)
Gary Maslowski
Wayne Gartland
Mark, Gary and Wayne were on top of this project. They met at Mark’s shop and built 12 duck houses in a couple of hours.
The houses were placed in several locations on Big and Little Green during the Lake Clean-Up on March 1.
Loon Nests – these will be assembled sometime late March or early April.
We will be placing these once ice is off and a pontoon in the water as these are floating nests. More to come in the next newsletter on this project.
Thanks again for your time and talents!
President’s Corner
Presidents Corner:
It won’t be long and winter activities will be replaced with fun in the sun. Ice fishing and snowmobiling will become just a memory while boating and swimming take their place. With the onset of open water comes the annual concern about invasive weeds and how they will effect our enjoyment of the lake. For those who are not aware the DNR has been proposing for some time to make major changes in their aquatic plant management program. A hard fought battle by many individuals and lake associations was waged to try and stop the proposed changes from being adopted. Unfortunately the proposed changes appear to have gone through. As most fights against large government agencies go, it seems some decisions are predetermined. Under the new guide lines private property owners will only be allowed to treat one half of their lake frontage up to 100FT maximum. Though this is a blow to the fight against invasive weeds it is not a knock out punch. We must not let our frustration turn to complacency when it comes to treating what we can. Fortunately the new rules do not appear to have as major of an effect on the GLA’s ability to treat off shore. The Green Lake Association will continue to treat as many acres of Curly Pond Leaf and Milfoil as is permissible and financially feasible. Our goal has always been and will be to do what ever we can to improve the water quality of our lake and promote a safe and clean environment for all. 2009 will bring challenges for the GLA with the current economic conditions. As you know the acreage we treat is directly related to funds raised. Currently the association does not have the funds to treat the same acreage as the past two seasons. We will treat what we can afford and hope that more financial support will come in the future. If you are not a member please consider becoming one. Membership dues are a major source of treatment funding. Treating for invasive aquatic plants is an expensive endeavor but lack of action will cost much more in many ways moving forward. Support the efforts of your lake association by becoming a member and volunteer. We all have a common love of our lake so we should work together to preserve it. Thank you for your current and future support of the Green Lake Association. Have a safe and enjoyable summer and I hope to meet more of you at some of our summer events.
Dan Standish
Green Lake Association President
Treasurer’s Report
As we prepare to enjoy another spring and summer we are faced with challenges of the current economic times.
The Board has reviewed the 2009 budget and will be planning treatment applications accordingly. As you have read in the president’s article, we will be treating less acreage. Providing no major unforeseen expenses and current fund raising levels are maintained, we can fund and execute our five year treatment plan.
The Annual Financial Statement is listed below. You should note we had a deficit year. The budget for 2009 is forecasting GLA to have a break even year.
GLA is an ALL Volunteer organization solely supported by membership fees, donations and fundraisers.
Julie Vick – Treasurer
April is membership month
There seems to be many questions regarding when memberships are due or if they have been paid.
- April is our “Official Membership” month (however, we accept dues throughout the year).
- Dues are paid in year received. So if you paid in October, 2008 then those would be 2008 dues.
- Listing of Paid Members will be in the June newsletter. We are working on posting this on our website.
If you would like to be deleted from our mailing list or you know of someone whom would like to receive this newsletter, please call Julie @ 257-3877 so that I can get this updated.
PAID MEMBERS for 2009:
Hale, Alan
Krizan, Rocky & Kathy
Landeen, Frank & Cindy
Maxwell, Thomas
McCarville, Skip & Jean
Milam, Robert & Christine
Moe, Gary & Pat
Olson, Roger & Sherry
Paulus, John & Cathie
Shepard, Arlin & Maureen
Szymanski, Stephen & Colleen