See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.
Meeting Minutes – July 15th 2020
Attendees: Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Jason Houle, Bob Milam, Lori Reichert and Denise Houle
Chisago City Entry on Stinson off Public Dock – Lori
- The Chisago City arch is in. We’ll wait for the sidewalks to be poured before contacting Casey to place the flowers. Casey wanted to plant in the fall anyway.
- We’ll also check with Casey to see whether the butterfly garden money could be contributed to this as well as the city money we received for the gardens
AIS Treatments – Bob and Bruce
- Per Bruce, we may need another $300 pump to make the pontoon spraying more efficient and reduce the time it takes it was an all-day project for the Green Lake team last time).
- The money we get from the Lake Improvement District (LID) should be about the same next year as we’re getting this year.
- Lake Management also clears some portions of the lake – they cleared a wider than usual channel in the south bay when they cleared weeds. It is much easier to get boats through back there right now.
- The lake has a clarity to 15 feet this year – better than it’s been
- Jason did a cost/benefit for doing the ~ $25,000 complete clearing of milfoil and curly leaf weeds in all of Little Green vs. the yearly amount for small portions of the lake and we would be better off doing the complete clear. Bob Milam will be checking back with his contacts in Clear Lake where the treatment was done to see the results – so far they’re happy with the treatment. Bob will line up his contact, Mike, for doing the complete treatment to have him attend a board meeting. Our timeline is to have the decision made before spring when the treatment would be done. We would want to know if it would matter to wait for a lower water year to do the treatment since the overflow from other lakes into Little Green might bring the weeds back too soon. Bob said, in the mid-90s, there was a spray put into Little Green to kill all weeds, this new treatment is just for the invasives (and Bob is concerned that non-invasives may fill in where invasives were and they would overtake the lake).
Treasurers report Cheryl
- $52,022.38 is currently in the GLA checking account.
- We are down a bit from this time last year. We didn’t have our Annual Meeting this year due to Covid (and it looks like Spring or Fall of 2021 before we can) and that usually brings in more members and annual dues. We also have some businesses that we have to hit up again.
- We are considering sending an invoice to multiple businesses in the area to see if they will join.
- Jason suggested raising annual dues (however we just did that last year) and offering a gift for being a member and sending in dues.
Website Overview Jason Houle
- Jason will rewrite the purpose statement for GLA that appears on the website and we can review that at a future GLA board meeting.
- Overview of Social Media shows we need to develop more methods for reaching people with pertinent information. Perhaps rely more on electronic interactions but print the Newsletter just one time per year. The e-mails Connie sends out are very useful and are one of the ways social media is working.
- Jason will be looking at updating and controlling the site – Jason getting rid of irrelevant material on the website. Suggests having more photos of how the lake is being used year around – advertise it as the full recreational lake that it is.
- Generating income is a top priority. Need to develop a means for making dues payments easier. Should also put signs up at the boat launches notifying those who are using the lake that they may want to contribute to the GLA to keep the lake in good condition.
Other business.
Submitted by:
Lori Reichert
GLA Secretary
Green Lake Association Board Meeting of Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Attendees: Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Cheryl Kempenich, Jason Houle, Bob Milam, Lori Reichert and special guests: Don Skelly of High Pointe Land and Mike O’Connell with Lake Management.
Extensive treatment of Little Green Lake. Mike O’Connell of Lake Management:
- Lake Management (LM) proposes using Fluordone (sonar) which has been DNR and EPA approved since 1986 but not used in MN as much as other states until now. LM applied it to Clear lake in Forest Lake, Schmidt and Josephine lakes this year. It kills curly leaf and Eurasian milfoil but not native plants. It doesn’t get all the roots (turians) of these plants so they will eventually grow back. Also, some could be dragged in between big Green and Little Green.
- This was a preview of what we could do for Little Green Lake AIS treatment instead of what we’re currently doing. We will review this further and assess whether it is a good idea for the future. It would have to be done earlier in the Spring than it is already now AND it would work better when the water isn’t so high – the overflow from other lakes would disturb the product making it less effective and cost us more for reapplications. The ideal proportion is 4 parts per billion to water and it would greatly reduce for a longer period of time the entire of Little Green Lake’s milfoil and curly leaf. We currently do different sprayings for both of those AIS and, IF we were to do the whole of little green the way we do currently rather than spot manage as we are now, it would cost $85,580 on the low end. Doing ALL of Little Green using the Fluorodone method would cost between $18,200 – $29,000 for one year and would be expected to last throughout the year and into the next. As it started to crop up again, then we could spot treat the smaller areas. Our thought is that this would allow for greater spot treating in big Green in the consecutive years.
- There is another product that could be used in the south bay channel that are Sonar I pellets if we like what it does in Little Green.
Website Overview Jason Houle
- Social Media Overview and interlocking info – we’ve got to develop more methods for reaching people with pertinent information. Have social media stewards from around the lake so more people are contributing. Have blogs started on specific topics (i.e. AIS control, Elementary school development)
- updating and control site – Jason recommends that we don’t have irrelevant material on the website.
Newsletter address Connie
- Connie will look into why some people didn’t receive the newsletter.
- She will send Jason the updated list of those who’ve recently joined.
Update on the elementary school land purchase by Don Skelly of High Pointe Land
- See the plans yet to be approved by the Chisago City Council on
- While the cost estimates are still being finalized, the general costs per unit will run from $350K to $900K. The HOA is expected to be $175/month. It will be made up of townhouses through separate custom homes; park land with a community dock and some of the homes will have private docks.
- Don Skelly said he’s been in communications with the neighbors within a few doors of the property and they’ve been receptive of the new plans.
Treasurers report Cheryl
- $33,400 is currently in the GLA checking account.
- $21,783 is in CDs with one coming due. Cheryl’s looking for something with a higher interest rate option.
- We are up $400 from new business sponsors so far this year.
- We are down $362 from this time last year.
Curly Leaf treatment Bob
- Expects to be treating big and little Green Lakes for curly leaf this Friday (Monday at latest). Can’t treat above 60 degrees, need calm sunny day, need at least some weed growth.
Carp barrier update Bruce
- Waiting for the water temperatures to be above 60 degrees before putting up the barrier – probably next week.
LID AIS reduction – Bruce
- LID has a reduction of $3000 this year over last for all lakes in the area. Green Lake will receive $10,076.40 now rather than what was $11,194.78.
Chisago City Entry on Stinson off Public Dock – Lori
- The pilons for the arch were poured and the floating dock is in. We’ll wait for the sidewalks to be poured and the arch to be put in before we’ll contact Casey to place the flowers.
- We’ll check with Casey to see whether the butterfly garden money could be contributed to this as well as the city money we received for the gardens.
Other business.
Submitted by:
Lori Reichert
GLA Secretary
Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, February 12th 2020
Attendees: Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bob Milam, Kevin Murphy, Dale Grosskopf, Mark Anderson (Chisago City Council member) and Connie Mayfield
- Annual Spring Meeting
- Date is Sunday April 19th , will be held at the Uncommon Loon. Guest Speakers will be Frankie Dusenka from Frankie’s Marine and Don Skelly from High Pointe Land (new owners of the former Lakeside Elementary school property)
- 2020 Spring Newsletter
- Expanding it to an additional 4 pages for more articles and to spread out the 29 business sponsors
- Board members need to get their articles into Christine Milam no later than March 16. We want to get the newsletter out before the annual meeting on April 19 th
GLA has offered to purchase ADA compliant picnic tables for the Little Green Lake landing. We are waiting for approval from the Park Department of the style and material.
- Phragmite’s Testing
- GLA is fortunate we only found 2 sites with Phragmites this summer, no other sites were found this winter.
- Financial
- Treasurer has invoice business sponsors for this year’s commitment. New Business sponsors include Paper Chase, Edward Jones, Chisago City and Gregory Contracting
- Checking account is $30,000 and we have 2 CD’s of $10,800+ each
- Carp tournament will not happen and the Lions Club Crappie tournament may not happen as well.
- Lake Clean up is slated for March 1 st , (Ice houses must be off lake by March 2nd per DNR). If the weather is good and ice is safe, we may postpone till March 8th . Our lake has been very fortunate the past few years with little or no debris.
- 2020 AIS treatment
- LID has decreased their funding by $1000 to each lake association, earmarking those funds to help eradicate phragmites
- DNR is back with grants for lake associations. DNR will fund delineation by 3 rd party for AIS detection.
- New GPS, Bob Milam has been looking at several for the
pontoon treatment boat. Likely run around $500.
- Music on the Lake will be Thursday July 16. Member Tim Lackas has a jazz group CC Septect that has volunteered to play their music. More details later.
- Lake Improvement District has a member At Large position open. Interested parties can fill out an application form and submit to the LID. Unlike the district positions, the At Large position represents all lakes in the watershed.
- Other:
- Bruce Meyer, President, purchased a new microphone and cable for the GLA sound system.
- Carp fencing will be done again this spring in 2020 between Little Green Lake and Lake Ellen.
- The topic of GLA participating in the Ki Chi Saga Day parade, using the GLA sound system to have music on the float.
Group discussed promoting Ojiketa Regional Park public activities to our membership. Possibly putting up a sign at the beach so the public knows they can stop to swim, play in the sand or hike the trails. All recognized many lake homeowners have little awareness of the park, many think it is private property.
Meeting adjourned.
Who’s Lake Is This Anyway?
(The following is an excerpt from the University of Wisconsin Extension 2009 publication “ Choosing the Right Waterfront Property” .)
When you purchase land on the edge of one of Wisconsin’s lakes or rivers, you are essentially buying property on the edge of a “public park.” Wisconsin’s waters belong to all of us. Wisconsin’s Public Trust Doctrine grants rights for all of us to use the waters of the state and grants waterfront property owners certain additional rights.
The public has the right to swim, boat, fish or walk in the water right to the shoreline edge of your property. Healthy watersheds make healthy lakes and higher property values. The quality of our lakes and streams is ultimately a reflection of how we take care of the land area that drains to our waterways. Natural shorelines full of trees and native plants form the foundation of a healthy lake or river.
As a waterfront property owner, you can help protect the water quality, and natural beauty of our lakes and streams for yourself, your neighbors and future generations. When you buy waterfront property, you assume part of the responsibility of caring for a lake or river. Your actions on the land as well as in the water affect the health of the lake or river, and everyone’s enjoyment of it.
The State of Minnesota Public Trust Doctrine echos these same sentiments.
Apply for LID Board of Directors Position
The Chisago Lakes Lake Improvement District (LID) is accepting Applications for Appointment for one At Large LID Board of Directors position.
Candidates for the At Large Appointment must be 18 years of age or older and must be owners of real property within District boundaries or be a buyer under contract for deed of property in the District. The term of the At Large position starts March 2, 2020 and runs until February 1, 2021. Candidates must submit an Application for Appointment form.
The mission of the District is to restore, preserve, protect and enhance the water resources of the Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes Watershed.
The LID Board of Directors attend the monthly LID meetings on the first Monday of each month, unless that date is in conflict with a major holiday, 6:30 p.m. at the Chisago County Government Center. Request an Application for Appointment or seek further LID area information by contacting Jerry Spetzman, LID Administrator at or calling 651-213-8383. Applications can also be found on the LID web site at (scroll down to Quick Links).
Completed applications must be received by Friday, February 28, 2020 via email, or mail to Jerry Spetzman, 313 North Main Street, Suite 240, Center City, MN 55012. Applications received after the stated deadline will not be accepted. Appointment for the At Large Board of Director position will be considered at the March 2, 2020 LID Board meeting.
View, Download or Print LID Board of Directors Position Application
Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 7th 2020
Attendees: Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Bob Milam, Cheryl Kempenich, Monica Kinney, Lori Reichert
Notes in order of agenda discussed: (* indicates an action item)
1) Spring Meeting Date. Need to schedule the Loon and get speakers.
a) Chose Sunday, April 19, 2020 from 2PM‐6PM at the Loon. Thought it needed to be longer than what we had last year to give time to socialize more.
b) *Connie/Bruce will get our meeting on the Loon’s calendar.
c) Speakers:
i) Discussed that we should assume there would be public officials that attend and may be
ii) *Connie will contact Chuck Gramlin to speak for 15‐20 minutes on the history of Green Lake.
iii) *Cheryl will contact Premier Real Estate (the group selling the Lake Elementary School property located on Little Green Lake) to hear who is interested in the development, what the zoning is, etc. Basically seeing if there is someone who could speak on the plans.
iv) *Connie will be sending out an e‐mail to all asking what topics they’d like to hear about at the annual meeting (as well as if they have any suggestions for the Board in general).
2) Spring Newsletter
a) Bob believes *Christine will be willing to put together all the stories again. * Team should start writing their stories.
b) Should be completed by the end of March to be delivered by April 5 to announce April 19 Annual Meeting.
3) ADA Compliant picnic table for the Little Green Lake landing
a) The GLA has long been tending the Little Green Lake landing. Board decided to donate $1000 to purchase an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant picnic table for the landing area. The old picnic table is in bad shape but we’ll put the GLA plaque from the old picnic table back on this one. It gets used a lot so it should be able to stand up to tough use and bad weather.
4) GLA Board Changes
a) Lori would like to take over the open Secretary position and find someone to take on the Vice President position with the intent they would be the president afterward. Lori agreed to stay as Vice President until such person can be found and take over the President position for a brief period with the help of all the board until that person is found.
b) *Bruce agreed to write down what the President does and each of us should write down our own “Job descriptions” as well to pass along to the next in line.
5) Financials
a) See last page for Treasurer Report ‐ Accounts as of 1/7/2020.
b) *Cheryl will Invoice All Businesses by end of January. Bruce and Connie visited all our business sponsors (decided to go with this term and not Community Sponsors because it seemed a better fit) to thank them for contributing. After their visit, they found the businesses would like an invoice from us for their accounting/tax purposes.
6) Carp harvest discussion
a) The Lake Improvement District (LID) doesn’t want to spend the more than $3000 to tag Carp so they’re easier to find under the ice. They are looking into whether there is a commercial fisherman who would want to fish them. A special DNR permit is needed to net them.
b) *Bruce will contact Steve of the Lions to see if we can donate to a Carp harvest contest that his organization plans.
7) Stinson Landscaping Status (Little Green into Chisago City)
a) *Lori to contact John Pechmann to see when the dock is going in and to get him to move it to the left when looking at the lake. Also, when will further construction begin so we can complete our planting project.
8) 2020 Invasive Species Treatment and decrease in LID support monies
a) *Bob will get DNR permits for treating the navigation channels
b) Bruce requested the LID to at least bring GLA up to the 2019 level of funding and Jerry said he’d bring that to the LID. Overall Invasive Species Treatment is down $3000 from the LID from 2019 to 2020.
9) Park Commission
a) Bruce met with the Park Commission and they are now back to supporting the GLA as a “Business Supporter”. It will hopefully make for good interactions and other ways to support each other in the future.
10) LID ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD AT THE NEXT LID BOARD MEETING on Feb. 3 Along with a recap of 2019 projects and activities.
a) *Connie will be sending an email to all GLA members encouraging them to vote for the 2 seats up for election – Area 3 and Area 4 – All Green Lake Association property owners are eligible to vote for each area because you are in the Chisago Lakes Improvement District and who gets into these seats affects all Chisago Area Lakes. Vote at LID Meeting on Feb. 3, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. in conference room 150B, lowest level,
Chisago County Government Center, Center City. OR, Mail Absentee ballots to arrive BY 3PM on Feb. 3. Request a ballot from Jerry Spetzman 651‐213‐8383, MAIL Absentee ballots to: LID Ballot, Jerry Spetzman; Chisago County Government Center Environmental Services office; 318 North Main Street; Center City, MN 55012.
b) *Cheryl will be adding the applicants’ forms to the website for Connie to link to and for all GLA members to learn about the candidates before voting.
a) *BOARD MEMBERS, MARK YOUR CALENDARS … *Connie/Bruce booking the room: Board Meetings on 2nd Wednesdays starting at 6:30 at the Loon in the meeting room for next 3 months as a trial (Feb. 12, Mar 11, April 8)
b) Connie and Bruce thought it would be a good idea, at least through the winter months, to have a social meeting for all lake owners at the Loon starting in February. *Connie will be sending out a notice that the Third Wednesday of every month starting in February, we’ll be meeting in the main bar room area of the Loon from 6:30‐8 to socialize with fellow lake owners. It will be a dry dock version of the Summer Flotilla.
Current Balance
Available Balance
CD 74047112
CD 81220
Julie Vick CD 97805
Meeting Minutes – Wednesday, September 25th 2019
Present: Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Lori Reichert, Cheryl Kempenich, Connie Mayfield
Absent: Joyce Wilking (Connie took minutes for the meeting)
- Fall Newsletter Status – Christine Malam was not able to attend meeting but passed along that she needs information from this year’s AIS program and the financials year to date.
- City Dock Beautification Project – Lori R. reported she in contact with the city. It is likely the plantings GLA was going to fund for the project will not be completed this year, as the city has not started their project at the corner of Stinson & West street where the new dock went in earlier this year. City plans to construct and arch and install fencing. She will keep us posted.
- Rick Ranheim and Stephanie Brown have offered to store the GLA pontoon at their residence during the fall/winter months. (They purchased the former John Esmay property). We are very grateful for their offer.
- GPS system for pontoon – Bob M. is looking into systems and will get back on product and price.
- Can Recycling- vendor is very slow to pick up full bins, which is becoming an issue. We expect to get a check for about $400 for the last full bin from September
- New Banners – two new banners for the recycling bins were purchased for at total of $150. The former ones were weather beaten and falling apart.
- Phragmites treatment have been completed on N/S Center, Chisago and Lindstrom Lakes. The two properties on Green Lake should be done this week.
- Financials – Chery K. reported checking account has a current balance of $29,468.84. GLA has 2 CD’s – one has a current balance of $10,805, the second CD has a current balance of $10,726.
- There will not be a board of directors meeting in December 2019 or January 2020.
Green Lake Association Meeting – September 25th, 2019
Green Lake Association September Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday Sept 25, 2019
Present: Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Lori Reichert, Cheryl Kempenich, Connie Mayfield
Absent: Joyce Wilking (Connie took minutes for the meeting)
- Fall Newsletter Status – Christine Malam was not able to attend meeting but passed along that she needs information from this year’s AIS program and the financials year to date.
- City Dock Beautification Project – Lori R. reported she in contact with the city. It is likely the plantings GLA was going to fund for the project will not be completed this year, as the city has not started their project at the corner of Stinson & West street where the new dock went in earlier this year. City plans to construct and arch and install fencing. She will keep us posted.
- Rick Ranheim and Stephanie Brown have offered to store the GLA pontoon at their residence during the fall/winter months. (They purchased the former John Esmay property). We are very grateful for their offer.
- GPS system for pontoon – Bob M. is looking into systems and will get back on product and price.
- Can Recycling‐ vendor is very slow to pick up full bins, which is becoming an issue. We expect to get a check for about $400 for the last full bin from September
- New Banners – two new banners for the recycling bins were purchased for at total of $150. The former ones were weather beaten and falling apart.
- Phragmites treatment have been completed on N/S Center, Chisago and Lindstrom Lakes. The two properties on Green Lake should be done this week.
- Financials – Chery K. reported checking account has a current balance of $29,468.84. GLA has 2 CD’s – one has a current balance of $10,805, the second CD has a current balance of $10,726.
- There will not be a board of directors meeting in December 2019 or January 2020.
Green Lake Flotilla Schedule
GLA members,
Our first flotilla of the year will be Thursday June 13 starting at 6:30pm. Stop by and meet follow members, neighbors and friends.
Look for the pontoon with the Green Lake Association banner, near the beach area at Ojiketa Park. Stop by for a few minutes or stay till dusk. This is the third year the association has hosted the flotilla’s, lots of fun and a great way to meet new people on the lake.
Here are the dates for the flotillas, which all start at 6:30pm (weather permitting):
Thursday June 27
Thursday July 11
Thursday July 25
Thursday Aug. 8
Thursday Aug 22
Hope to see you out on the lake!
Green Lake Association Meeting – May 29th, 2019
Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Cheryl Kempenich, Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Lori Richert, Kevin Murphy, Monica Kinny, Jason Houle and Joyce Wilking.
Annual Meeting Assessment: (held April 11 at Uncommon Loon Brewery) Members thought it went well, the venue worked well, the screen & projector were great and guest speakers were well received. The venue appreciated GLA doing cleanup after. Suggestions for next year: correct speaker system & need longer cord, extend another hour & start earlier, record meeting and put video on website, put overheads on website.
Note: Weirs checks still being done weekly. Gauges need to be recalculated yearly.
Newsletter: the board would like to expand the newsletter by four pages (single sheet) to spread out business member’s advertisements. Christine will check on additional cost.
Curly Leaf Treatment: Bob Milam reported they treated less curly leaf this year but just now new growth is popping up in new areas. They would like to switch the permit date to spray later. He plans to spray for milfoil the week of June 15. Chemicals will be purchased from Lake Management. Spraying has to stay 125’ away from shore. From that point in is the property owner’s responsibility. The pontoon ran great. We don’t need a new motor. GLA currently has 2 new options to park and store the pontoon.
Phragmites: have been found to the right and left of Green Lake public access. Samples were sent in to the U of M and were identified as invasive. We will need a group of people to check to see if there is more from the public access going towards town to Ojekita. This should be done after the 4th of July.
City Dock: Lori reports that John Peckman expects the dock to go in on June 11th. It will be a 5’ floating dock, ADA compliable with a lip all around. A 5’ ramp that can be removed annually to make room for snowmobilers will get started June 28th. They are adding a launch device for kayaks and pontoons will be able to dock. There will be no cutout at the bottom of sidewalk. Instead it will be cutout up on the side. An arch with ‘Chisago’ will be installed after the ramp is done. The treehouse is on city property. John will talk with owners of the treehouse. A grant has been approved for plantings and railings. Casey Theil will help GLA decide on which plants to keep erosion down and help the rain system. Plantings will take place in the fall. We might be able to get another grant which brought up suggestions for: installing a launch system at Ojekita that would enhance the trail system or get picnic tables for little green that are handicap accessible and maintenance free.
Finances: Cheryl reported $25K in checking and $21K in CDs.
Carp Barrier: Bruce installed the barrier and thanked the volunteers who check it to keep weeds out so the water can keep flowing. He reported Frankie’s will not be sponsoring a carp fest this year. Last night the DNR had a boat out doing electrofishing for largemouth bass.
Seechi Disc Reading: Bruce reports the clarity for Green Lake is 12’ and Little Green is 11’.
- The coalition meeting for Chisago/Lindstrom lake association presidents is June 25th.
- The LID meeting is Mon, June 3rd.