See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.
Memorial Day Paddle – May 27, 2019
Join us for the 4th Annual Memorial Day Paddle!
When: Monday, May 27th 2019, Starting as early as 9am or as late as 1pm
Who: Canoes, Kayaks and Paddleboards, Join us on the Chisago Lakes Watertrail
Where: The full Flotilla will culminate at 2pm on Center Lake across from the Grumpy Minnow where the “After Paddle Party” will commence.
2019 Spring Newsletter
Green Lake Association Meeting – Feb 2019
February 20, 2019
Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Lori Richert, Kevin Murphy present
City meeting was last week that showed the plans for Lakeside School. We viewed the plans for the school property. Shelley, who lives next to the property, wants to get a Citizens group together to keep on top of the aware of the issues that could happen if this development proceeds as it looks now. There were a lot of people who were at the meeting.
They claimed the rental property has a higher tax rate. The zoning needs to change to make it residential and commercial. We need to define what our involvement should be: the shoreline, the drainage, anything that has to do with the lake and the shore.
Spring Meeting
- Pulled Pork, cole slaw, BBQ sauce and chips
- Bruce will start the meeting and explain what the board has done over the years.
- Lori will do the Power Point presentation.
- John Peckman will be the speaker. Casey Theil on matching fund for home owners projects for their shorelines.
- Elections for Secretary
- Change in the bylaws from 2 board members to 5 board members. – President, Vice President, Treasure,
Secretary and one at large. We will check with Cheryl to see if she has done anything with this. Making it so not
all the board members can leave at once. Because we need to have someone who can help the new board.
Marketing the positions that help get new ideas on the board. - Vote on getting a new motor? We need to look at what the cost is going to be. We also need to give the pitch
on why we need the new motor. Get a price together to present at the meeting and set up a GoFundMe page.
Chisago Lakes Community Organization Grant is for beautifying the area off Stinson. A report needs to be submitted by June 30th. We have to do this in order to apply for another grant from them. See about moving the snowmobile trail off Stinson to another area.
Water Days Meeting in the legislature is April 10th – Lori and Bruce are going.
Treatment Costs are going up about 8‐10%. If we need to cut back we should cut back on Curly Leaf Treatment.
Without the DNR funding we need extra money for treatment.
$48k in our finances. $11k from the LID for 2019. Hopefully in 2020 we will be getting money from the DNR that is allotted like previous years. In previous years we received $8k from DNR. We should be down this year on amount need to be treated on the lake.
Floatilla will be moved to the area near Ojekita near the toilets.. Other board members need to step up to host a flotilla.
Carp survey – a big portion of carp comes from Big Green. The survey doesn’t really tell us that we are stopping the reproduction of carp, The Carp Barrier has a permit through the DOT, Bruce has a dog crate he thinks will help with cleaning out the grate. Kevin said the carp are spawning by his house.
Lake Clean Up – will not be happening when the ice houses need to be off because we have way too much snow. The dumpster will be at the boat landings for the people to put their trash. Maybe mid‐March someone can go out on the lake and check for trash.
Loon Nest – no one knows where the old ones are but Connie found a place called Loon Care – we would need to add netting around the nest to keep the eagles away from the babies in the nest. The nest needs to be in place when the ice is immediately out. The male starts nesting right away. The nests need to be taken off the lake around July 4th otherwise muskrats chew it up and destroy it.
Green Lake Association Meeting – March 2019
March 20, 2019
Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Lori Richert, Kevin Murphy present
Spring Meeting
- Pulled Pork, cole slaw, BBQ sauce and chips
- Lori is checking John Peckman to be the speaker. Casey Theil on matching fund for home owners projects for their shorelines.
- Elections for Secretary
- Change in the bylaws Cheryl to see if she has done anything with this and whether is in pdf form and can be converted into Word doc.
- We should change in the bylaws that members do not need to live on the lake.
Newsletter is done and will get sent to UPS Printing for print and mailing. Having different membership levels on the newsletter membership form has increased the GLA income – 17‐20 people generously donated at the Conservation Level of $150. More people are going online and paying their membership.
Water Days Meeting in the legislature is April 10th – Lori and Bruce are going. Right now the DNR funding for AIS is just for Curly Pond Leaf and Milfoil. They may expand it to other invasive species like Phragmites and Loose Leaf. The grant money from the DNR has that no more than 10% of the grant monies can go to each Lake Association. Larger lakes do not get more money than small lakes, should it be awarded for percentage of acreage of the lake?
Treatment Costs – question was brought up about potency of chemical if it is not all used and we store it for next year. It is stored in a building that doesn’t go below 60 degrees so it should be good if stored for another year. Lake Management may have a substantial price increase. Mike from Lake Management will sell us chemical in large barrels for convenience and ease of putting them on the treatment boat. We spend $18k to treat for Curly Pond Leaf. We were told the treatments work best when it is a sunny day because the weeds take in the chemical better when it’s sunny. Because of high water runoff from a lot of snow this year the weed situation in the lake may be greater.
Bruce is going to check on a new motor for the pontoon later in the summer when companies are getting rid of stock. The pontoon motor still works, it is 30 years old and we have had issues that have been fixed but may happen again.
John Peckman said there will be a new city dock at the end of Stinson. Bruce contacted Marine Dock and they said John has not contacted them yet. John said they have money set aside for the new dock.
The weir is going to be checked on Friday to see how high the water is and whether to open it. They may open it this week to stop flooding of homes on the lake.
Finances ‐ $29,600 in Checking. Two CDs at $10,700. One CD is coming up. One CD is at 2.99%. We will prepay for the treatment chemical because we need to keep out finances under $50k.
Shoreline Alterations: Ice Ridges
Property owners occasionally return to their cabins in the spring only to discover they are dealing with property damage caused by a phenomenon called “ice heaving” or “ice jacking”. This powerful natural force forms a feature along the shoreline known as an “ice ridge”. The result may include significant damage to retaining walls, docks and boat lifts, and sometimes even to the cabin itself.
How do ice ridges form? Ice ridges are caused by the pushing action of a lake’s ice sheet against the shore. Cracks form in the ice because of different contraction rates at the top and bottom of the ice sheet. This is especially true in years that the ice sheet lacks an insulating snow cover. Ice cracks also develop because the edges of the ice sheet are sometimes firmly attached to the shore. When water rises in the cracks and freezes, the ice sheet expands slightly. Rising air temperatures warm the ice, leading to additional expansion, which exerts a tremendous thrust against the shore. Alternate warming and cooling of the ice sheet leads to additional pushing action, causing the ice to creep shore ward and scrape, gouge, and push soil and rock into mounds (called “ice ridges”, “ice pushes”, or “ramparts”).
What can be done about ice ridges after they form? Because ice ridges do provide ecological benefits (described below), the ideal reaction to the formation of an ice ridge would be to do nothing other than remove personal property from its zone of influence. However, this is often impractical. Ice ridges can impede use of the lake by a property owner or the users of public lakeshore facilities. Therefore, action may be taken to remedy the results of ice activity.
- Lake access can be obtained by ramping over or cutting through the ice ridge. There are circumstances, however, when it may be necessary to remove or grade an ice ridge. An individual Public Waters Work Permit is not required from the DNR to remove or grade an ice ridge if the work meets the following conditions:
- The ice ridge resulted from ice action within the last year.
- The project is either exempt from local permits or is authorized by issuance of a local government permit.
- Not more than 200 feet of shoreline is affected.
- All ice ridge material that is composed of muck, clay, or organic sediment is deposited and stabilized at an upland
site above the ordinary high-water level (OHWL; see sidebar on page 1). - All ice ridge material that is composed of sand or gravel is removed as provided above or graded to conform to the
original cross section and alignment of the lakebed, with a finished surface at or below the OHWL. - No additional excavation or replacement fill material occurs on the site.
- All exposed areas are immediately stabilized as needed to prevent erosion and sedimentation (see Lakescaping
information sheet). - Local zoning officials, the watershed district (if applicable) and the soil and water conservation district are given at
least 7 days’ notice before beginning the project.
Removal or grading of an ice ridge must not disturb emergent aquatic vegetation, unless authorized by an aquatic plant
management permit from the DNR’s Division of Fisheries.
What can be done about ice ridges before they form? The simplest means of avoiding ice-related damage to shoreline property is to ensure that personal property is out of wrath’s path. State and local shoreland regulations requiring setback limits not only lead to improved aesthetics but also help to minimize personal property damage from ice action and wave-induced erosion. Engineering solutions are sometimes pursued to remedy ice ridge problems, but they can be expensive and ineffective. If an engineering solution is pursued, property owners should seek the advice of a professional.
What are the benefits of ice ridges? Ice ridges are natural berms that have formed around Minnesota’s lakes over thousands of years. These mounds of material provide the lake with ecological benefits by creating a barrier to nutrient loading. Nutrients collect on the landward side of the mound, producing fertile soil where plants and trees thrive. The root systems of this near-shore plant community help to protect the shore from erosion and soak up additional nutrients. Shade and habitat offered by near-shore plants benefit organisms along the shore and in the lake, thus supporting nesting and spawning fish.
Ice ridges also work to protect the shore from the lake itself. For example, a small ice ridge formed one year is followed by additional pushes in ensuing years. The ridge is fortified by jamming rocks into it. The roots of the near-shore plant community bind together the soil and rock to form natural shoreline protection.
Phragmites in the Chisago Chain of Lakes
Phragmites is an invasive, or a “non-native,” semi-aquatic perennial grass that came to North America in the 1700’s to early 1800’s. It is known as “Common Reed.” It is tall (reaching up to 15 feet) and densely growing. It is found in wetlands, river bank areas, on shorelines, and in roadside ditches.
Phragmites in the Chisago Lakes Area grow fast and can take over shoreland and wetland areas, push out native vegetation, reduce habitat quality for wildlife, obstruct lake views and block water access. North and South Center Lakes, and Chisago and South Lindstrom Lakes are highly infested with phragmites.
Local lake associations are working with the MN Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC), the Chisago Lakes Lake Improvement District and Chisago Soil & Water Conservation District to identify and map occurrences of phragmites and determine long- term ways to treat infestations along shorelines, and in wetland and upland areas in the Chisago Lakes area. Center Lakes Association and Chisago-Lindstrom Lakes Association are actively working with lakeshore owners to cut stands of phragmites on shorelines and treat with an approved herbicide.
Contact your local lake association and a representative will visit your lakeshore property, map the location and take a sample to send to MAISRC to confirm if it is native or invasive phragmites. If found to be invasive, the lake association will contact you on how to best treat the phragmites.
Visit to see if your property has been identified as infested.
Meeting Minutes – Jan 9th 2019
Green Lake Association Meeting
January 9, 2019
Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Cheryl Kempenich, Lori Richert present
March 4th is the date the ice houses need to be off the lakes.
Crappie tournament with the Lion’s club, is May 4th 7-11:30 am,
May 16th –Phragmites (a vegetative plant) invasive species class will bring an understanding of what this invasive species are and what they do. Gary Shoemaker and Bruce are going to go around the lake to see if there are any on the lakeshore. If they are on the lake, the owner will be able to contact the LID to get rid of it. Mary and Nancy can help with verifying it.
Vote to move the Annual meeting to Spring. Elections move to Spring also. Everyone agreed to moving both.
Spring Meeting Agenda
Where: Uncommon Loon Date:: April 28th Sunday afternoon Time: afternoon – 2-4:00 Food – Pulled pork
Suggestd Speakers – Phil Moore – DNR , Joe Rodgers – boat inspections. Speakers for weeds. Shoreline Restoration.
Spring Newsletter for end of March, UPS for printing again.
Raise the rates for Dues – Members – $40, Business Membership – $125 – need more business sponsors.
No DNR money again this year, Mark Koran is the contact but no info yet. But we did get the LID grant. We would have been better off financially if it weren’t for the updated boat repairs. We will donate to Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Organization to help them get Grants going again in Minnesota.
St. Croix Grant money is to be used for city dock– Lori will check on when the project design needs to be submitted – she believes it needs to be done by end of June. John Peckman is the City Manager that should be contacted on this.
Renting the pontoon to other lake associations for weed spraying – issue was they wanted us to be the volunteers. There would be a liability issue with doing this.
Finances CD-1:$10,645.19, CD-2 $10,707.90 Checking – $26.918.51 $1589 in the black after expenses. We did ok even though we lost the DNR grant. Since October $1400 in dues paid.
501.C4 status – we should stay at that. It just means it isn’t tax deductible.
We agreed to prepay for the Navigation channels this year. Cheryl will write the check.
Bruce is fixing up new chemical markers for spraying. People are giving him large, empty, plastic containers to use for the markers. They are see-through so the warning signs can be seen.
Bruce would like to step down from President. He would still be involved and would still like to do AIS, the Wier, LID meetings, Christine would like to step down from secretary and just do the newsletter.
Go–Fund–Me would work for new Boat Motor for the pontoon, and possible AIS treatments down the road.
LID Meeting elections – they need to get voters in – February 4th. Suggested we get Absentee ballots. The board members need our support.
Lake clean up – March 3rd when the ice houses need to be off. Sunday morning 10-12am.
Place for the GLA pontoon – we need to find a new home for it. Bruce was going to hit up John Boyer from Lake Canvas.
Frankie is not doing the Carp Tournament, so the Lions Club will take it over again. Only a one day event. The Lions need our help at the landings.
Tagging the Carp – a university is doing a study and need them rounded up to tag the carp.
Carp Fencing – it is happening again this year. LID and Bruce will put it up again but will need volunteers to clean out the fence.
Muskrats were trapped and taken by trappers around the lake. Russians buy the fur from these trappers.
Water clarity disk for water quality is being taken over by Bruce from Rick Eckstrom. Rick has been doing this for years. It’s time for him to let someone else do it on our lake. We need a new person to gather the information. Add a write up on Rick who has been doing this for years in the newsletter.
We will discuss the Flotilla at the next meeting.
Meeting Minutes – October 8, 2018
October 8, 2018
Lori Reichert, Bruce Meyer, Kevin Murphy, Bob Milam, Connie Mayfield
Newsletter status – Christine Milam is working on final product, should be ready to go to printer
in a few days.
A grant was awarded to GLA from Chisago Area Lakes Foundation for $1000 to be used for beautification of the city dock area at corner of Stinson & West. There was discussion of our non-profit status, the board understood the association is a 501 (c) 3, but later it was clarified by Cheryl Kempenich – GLA Treasurer that we are 501 (c) 4 which may not qualify GLA for the grant dollars. Bruce later informed the Foundation of this information and we are awaiting their feedback. If approved Bruce will be attending the Foundation’s Award ceremony at Ojiketa Park this coming Saturday evening.
Treasurer’s Report – noted to date we are in the negative of $566. Bruce asked Connie to remind members to pay their dues.
Recycling cans is in good shape. Discussion on if we should have a sign more noticeable on Old Towne Rd, near where the recycle bin was before, directing people to the new location.
Next annual membership meeting will be in Spring 2019. Bruce reminded the Board that since changing the annual meeting to spring, election for new officers would then be Spring of 2020.
Bruce met with Senator Mark Koran to discuss concerns with lack of DNR funding for the fight against AIS. Without DNR grant dollars lake associations are finding it costly to treat the lakes.
There were 80+ MN lake associations applied for DNR grant dollars of which $1M out of the $10M was awarded to lake associations in the past. Bruce asked Mark for help in getting those
dollars back again.
Leaf Clean Up at the public landings on Green Lake will be held Saturday Oct 27, starting at 9:00am. The other lake associations are also having a Leaf Clean up on the same day at their
respective public landings.
Meeting will be held Oct 25 on the next invasive species – Phragmites threatening our lakes. More info will be sent out to the membership on this meeting.
Gary Schumacher from Chisago Lindstrom Lake Assn and Bruce will tour Green Lake for phragmites Oct 11. CLLA members have recently surveyed their lake and found several areas
where this invasive species is growing. The University of Mn is doing research the impact of phragmite’s is having on MN lakes.
Hook Line & Sinkers at both landings will be taken down when the docks are pulled.
Closure of the weir from Little Green into Lake Ellen will be closed at the end of the month.
Meeting Adjourned.
Meeting Minutes – January 31, 2018
January 31, 2018
Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Kevin Murphy, Cheryl Kempenich, Lori Reichert
Lori found out it would not be a good idea to become a non-profit. Better to be an association.
- What should we do with the money in our checking? Cheryl checked into CDs –
- Feb CD that is $5k add $5k from checking and put it in a 30 month
- When CD that matures in July if we have enough money we should put it into another 30 month and if the funds are still good, add another $5k to it.
- Online reoccurring payment for the GLA Dues, would this be something we could get set up?
Spring Meeting
- Sunday afternoon – April 29th, 2:00-5:00pm – Camp Ojekita
- Kevin will talk with Bill Mack to see if we can get a discount at Camp Ojekita
- Speaker – Frankie
- Bob will call Mike to see when the permits will be needed.
- Food – pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, chips, water, pop
Can Recycling
- They are supposed to pick it up, it hadn’t been picked up yet.
- Dave Carr is taken over the Responsibility
- Christine will make a Sign – No Paper, plastic or cardboard in the bin
Lion’s Crappie Tournament on the 6 lakes in the area
- May 5th – the weigh in for the fish will be at Green Lake Landing
- They want the GLA part of it because of our non-profit status for donations because the Lion’s is a 501c4
- Volunteers may be needed. But we aren’t sure yet. More to come.
- There will be hot-dogs and hamburgers and stuff at Frankie’s and the awards.
St Croix River Association Survey
- Who wants to Respond? Survey Monkey – Bob, Lori and Kevin did it.
2018 Projects
- Lake Clean up – once ice houses are off. So far the lake is clean of garbage. Connie and Bruce were out
on the lake. Ice out is March 4th. Bob will head that up. Connie will send out a volunteer request. - City Dock Installation – Bruce and Kevin will monitor that when it needs to go in.
- City Reconstruction – Monica said it is not a done deal, they are hush, hush on it at the moment.
- Final Beach Cleanup – there is just a little bit left to do to clean it up and it is good to go.
- Winter Blast was last weekend, they had sled dogs at Camp Ojekita. There were lots of activities
- Volunteers for the 3 LID booths – Home Show which is coming up the first weekend in March, Carl
Oscar Days, Chisago City Days - Funds for AIS and the Navigation Channels – $500-$1000. Bruce would go to the City Council. They use
to give money to the GLA. Bob suggested he bring up more than just the navigation channel and the
rain gardens. - Starry Stonewart weed conference in Minneapolis is coming up, who can or wants to go. Lori will
check it out and maybe go.
Meeting Minutes – September 6th, 2017
Present: Cheryl Kempenich, Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Bret Evers, Connie Mayfield, Monica Kinny
Fishing Pier – Pier is in and people are using it. City is now pushing back on putting a concrete
sidewalk to the pier, prefer to just raise the pier up so there is less slope for users.
Ojiketa Beach – has been cleaned of vegetation and beach enlarged. Areas looks really nice, needs sand
which should come next spring, and a couple more picnic tables. There were 10-12 boats at the beach
on Sunday of Labor Day. Suggested that we plan a GLA meeting there in the future.
GLA pontoon has had some improvements made this summer to help regulate chemicals to flow into
the lake. There was a roll up door/platform installed to help with rolling barrels of chemical onto the
boat. Also, a toggle switch was installed for better control of chemical rate.
Annual meeting is set for Oct 12 at public library. Casey Thiel – Soil & Water Conservation will be
speaking, as well as Monica Kinny regarding water quality.
Bret Evers announced he is stepping down as Vice President, Cheryl Kempenich has expressed interest
in the VP position, therefore the treasurer position would open up for 2017-2019.
Financials – we are in excellent standing with $45,300. Will use some of the monies towards a
membership social in 2018.
Recycling cans is moving steadily, but the price of aluminum is down so we do not get as much monies
as in the past.