See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.
Meeting Minutes – July 31, 2017
Green Lake Association Meeting
July 31, 2017 –
Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Bruce Meyer, Connie Mayfield, Kevin Murphy
Lake Management is spraying channels in the Back Bay again for an overgrowth of native weeds.
Native plants are taking over the lake this year and weed control is not working well. Coontail and Wild Celery is heavy
by the Imm’s but is a native.
Water temps are up – they are at 83 degrees.
Paul Imm is changing the layout of the boat to allow barrels of chemicals to be rolled up onto the boat by widening the
door and making a door that drops down as a ramp. And he is making a transfer for the pump to allow to switch
between barrel or smaller containers.
The Little Green Fishing Pier has been used quit a bit. We saw a lot of people using it this past weekend. It should be
easy to remove in the fall but we will let the city do that. It is only 2 pieces to bring out of the water.
Camp Ojekita Beach needs some help – we will try to get volunteers to help clear brush and debris and make it more
Annual meeting is set for Thursday, October 12th @ 6:30pm at the Chisago Library. We will try to get Casey Theil t talk
about water quality and how we can help our lake with water quality. We will talk about boat improvements. Have
water and cookies. Have newsletters and any other info on the table.
We have over $40k in the bank, waiting on money from the LID – we need to go to the LID meeting in a week to find out
how much we will get.
Meeting Minutes – May 7th, 2017
Green Lake Association Meeting
May 7, 2017 .
Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bret Evers.
Curly Pondleaf spraying went well, in the narrows on Big Green the curly leaf looks good. By the Little Green boat landing it died off.
Spray markers are going to be put out during spray. The spray needs to be done in larger areas (5 acre parcels) because of the type of chemical used. It sinks in a different way than other chemicals. Waiting for the permit from the DNR. Bob will get ahold of Chris from the DNR this week because the milfoil is up. We need a place to deliver the 17 barrels of chemical.
We will have Craig come out and retrofit the boat for the spray. Craig is the person who did the Curly leaf spraying. We could probably have Jeff Hoyt retrofit the piping for the hookup. We will do this after the spraying is done for next year.
Fishing pier is back on, Bill Mack showed up and talked with Carol. Bill will make it 26ft off of the lot line. It should be about 6 weeks to get it in.
Camp Ojekita expanded their dock for tying up to, to go into the park.
Muskrats are out in full force. The otter has been seen on Big Green.
Summer events – 1 st and 3 rd Thursdays of the month is the Floatilla event. Connie will send out a Facebook post. Should we do a potluck?
Lake Management is going to spray the channels in the Back Bay. Bob will contact them to do it.
Fall Meeting – speaker from the Lake Lobbying group (Minnesota Lakes and Rivers). Our positions are up, we need to have a ballot sheet set up at the annual meeting.
Forest Lake’s annual meeting had close to 200 people at their meeting.
102 paying members, that is about 1/3 of the residents/businesses. Spring newsletter brings in the most.
Spring 2017 Newsletter
Green Lake Association Meeting April 11, 2017
It snowed a couple inches yesterday. It is 49 our today and into the 60s for the weekend.
Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Kevin Murphy, Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bret Evers .
Newsletter is done. Christine waiting on UPS for an estimate for cost and getting it out.
Should we add another page to the newsletter? Or shrink the ads down? Should we add a blurb on facebook about advertisers? Connie is doing a great job of adding to Facebook.
Hunters took out 800 muskrats this past fall. It didn’t make a dent.
We received a check from Midwest One Bank. New businesses that may want to support the association should be contacted in the near future.
Funds are good, we need to use some of the funds. We are at $40k. We have enough to spray with the money we have.
The other lake associations are only spraying for curly leaf, not milfoil. Curly leaf has been on the lake for decades.
New aquatic spray company has bid a good price with a new solution. He is going to bring out 30 gal barrels with chemicals instead of individual containers. He takes care of the barrels and it is much less expensive. He has done this before. We hope this is a great option. If it goes well we will keep using him for other treatments. If this is quick we could socialize the boat with other lake associations. He will train our guys and the Lake Coalition. Pricing is not the lowest because he is involved but once we see this work we wouldn’t need him. We are still using Lake Management for the channels. The lighter adapter is installed so we have the GPS available to map our spraying. We could already treat for curly leaf. The DNR won’t give us a permit for milfoil until they come out and inspect. Maps need to be put on the website. 70 acres has a permit – we only did 19 acres last year.
Are we putting buoys out for the channels? Yes we will put something out.
Lake Ellen carp harvest is still possible but it probably won’t happen this year. The cost was really expensive.
Indians came out and netted the walleye this past weekend. A lot came out of Little Green.
We will put the City Dock in Saturday, April 29th at 10:30am, only a few people are needed.
Next week there is meeting in St Paul, Minnesota Water Action Days. Bruce is going there. It is a time to talk to the legislator about the concerns for the local lakes. 8am-4pm.
Zebra mussel workshop –
Forest Lake Association Meeting is next Thursday, Bob and Bruce are going. Forest Lake, Clear Lake and Bone Lake are part of the same lake association.
Treasurers Report – checking $29,789.02, CD 1 – $5,478.60, CD 2 – $10,613.96
Fun events – Floating gathering. Picnic at Camp Ojiketa
Fall 2016 Newsletter
Green Lake Home Sales Report: Jan-Sept, 2016
Street Address | Price | Acres | Style | Beds | Baths | Sq FT | Yr Built |
9975 Bonnie Glen Parkway | $96,100 | 0.1 | 1 Story | 1 | 1 | 700 | 1951 |
9935 Bonnie Glen Parkway | $164,000 | 0.1 | 1 Story | 2 | 1 | 919 | 1952 |
27125 Jonquil Drive | $161,500 | 0.5 | 1 Story | 2 | 1 | 780 | 1951 |
27379 Jonquil Drive | $184,000 | 0.3 | 1 Story | 2 | 2 | 990 | 1949 |
29126 Old Towne Road | $295,000 | 0.3 | 3 Story | 3 | 2 | 2045 | 1916 |
27970 Kent Avenue | $313,500 | 0.7 | 1 Story | 4 | 2 | 2112 | 1956 |
10420 Kismet Isle | $325,000 | 0.6 | 1 Story | 3 | 2 | 1956 | 1972 |
27822 Kent Court | $364,900 | 0.6 | Split | 3 | 3 | 2164 | 1990 |
28495 Johnson Lane | $406,900 | 0.7 | 1.5 Story | 3 | 3 | 2424 | 1920 |
9041 Lake Boulevard | $400,000 | 2.7 | 1 Story | 2 | 3 | 2340 | 1988 |
26022 Sunset Drive | $452,429 | 0.8 | 2 Story | 4 | 3 | 2486 | 2015 |
25651 Jeffery Avenue | $463,000 | 3.9 | 1 Story | 6 | 4 | 5480 | 1993 |
9047 Lake Boulevard | $535,000 | 3.4 | 1 Story | 3 | 2 | 1615 | 1988 |
25703 Jeffery Avenue | $675,000 | 3.9 | 1 Story | 4 | 3 | 4652 | 1992 |
Ridge Point Townhomes | Price | Acres | Style | Beds | Baths | Sq FT | Yr Built |
27699 Woodland Drive | $145,000 | 0 | Town Hm | 2 | 1 | 1077 | 2000 |
10898 Woodland Drive | $187,500 | 0 | Town Hm | 2 | 2 | 1338 | 2000 |
27714 Woodland Drive | $190,000 | 0 | Town Hm | 2 | 1 | 1454 | 1999 |
27751 Woodland Drive | $227,900 | 0 | Town Hm | 2 | 2 | 1454 | 2001 |
27720 Woodland Drive | $267,875 | 0 | Town Hm | 2 | 2 | 1528 | 2000 |
27710 Ridge Point Drive | $345,000 | 0 | Town Hm | 3 | 2 | 1600 | 1997 |
Meeting Minutes 7/25/16
Green Lake Association Meeting
July 25, 2016, temp the past week was in the upper 90, today was beautiful in the mid-80’s. We had 3 inches of rain on Saturday. High winds on Thursday morning caused some damage to trees and boat lifts.
Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Bret Evers, Cheryl Kempenich, Kevin Murphey
New Business
The boat has been put to bed for the year. Roger said we could keep the boat over there.
Weeds are strange this year, they are horrible. We need to make a spray path in Dog Fish Bay, where Roger lives. The clarity was bad when the heat was up in the 90’s. Good news about the farm runoff, the water is crystal clear. We are down 1.9ft from normal.
Ki Chi Saga is coming up, August 20-21 st . Volunteers needed for the LID booth.
Annual meeting, should we have a Saturday morning meeting? Saturday, October 29th? Or Thursday, October 27th?
Connie will contact Bill Mack and John Ollinger from the City of Lindstrom as our speaker to talk about the Water Trail System for Kayak, Canoe and Paddle boarding with a map.
Bruce will go to the LID meeting to talk to them about getting a wheelchair accessible dock/pier. He will try to get some funding from the LID and DNR.
Facebook is going well. Lots of likes and visitors to the site. We need to get homeowners pictures for the website.
New homes going up on the lake. There are still homes on the lake with outhouses.
Treasurer’s Report
Cheryl presented the bank statements.
CD’s are going to be changed out of Julie Vick’s name, they are going to have to change the login to a business login instead of personal CD. CDs are automatically renewed annually. If we would have known we could have gotten an higher interest rate.
We received the check from the DNR for the grant. We submitted a request from the LID for money.
Cheryl found out it was going to cost $5.00 to get paper statements, we are now going paperless.
- Checking – $36,654.66
- Income – $11,299.52
- Expenses – $15,546.47
- CD-1 $5,473.10
- CD-2 $10,590.14
We should be getting a check from the recycling company for a couple hundred soon. They picked up the recycling last week.
Lamba EOS Decontamination Unit
The Lamba EOS decontamination unit was at Little Green lake landing July 6th. Below is a description of where the unit will be located and how it is used.
In 2015, Chisago County purchased a Lambda EOS decontamination unit. The decontamination unit is used to apply hot water to watercraft to kill zebra mussels. The decontamination unit will rotate among the 10 most heavily used public water access in Chisago and northern Washington Counties. These accesses include Chisago/South Lindstrom, East Rush, Forest 1, Forest 3, Green, Little Green, North Center, Osceola, South Center, and Taylors Falls Lions Club landing.
Water Resource Directory
Chisago Lakes Area Chain of Lakes, Water Resource Directory
View the PDF Copy Here:
Chisago Lakes Water Trail
GLA members,
Chisago County is working to create a water trail system in which people kayaking and canoeing can navigate amongst the Chisago Chain of Lakes. Most of the trail system can be accomplished without portaging a canoe or kayak.
If you are interested in knowing more about this new venture by the county, you are welcome to attend the Chisago Lakes Water Trail Summit meeting on Sat May 7. The meeting will be held at 9:00am at the Chisago Lakes Library.