See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.
Green Lake Bylaws
Here is the most recent copy of the Bylaws.
The Milfoil treatment was a huge success, a total of 89 acres were sprayed yesterday ! A big THANK YOU to Green Lake Association members – Kevin Hogie, Bob Milam, Paul Imm, Ryan Lynch, Bret Evers, Geno Kramer and Don Schug who put in a long day to get it done. It is wonderful to have such dedicated volunteers. These folks and many others take time out of their jobs and busy lives to ensure the spraying is completed each year.
Thanks guys for taking care of the lakes we love so much
Important Information
Green Lake Association Annual meeting date is set for Tuesday September 24th at 7pm. This year’s meeting is at the Chisago Lakes Area Library located at 11754 302ns Street in Chisago City. Jerry Spetzman from the Chisago Lake Improvement District will be speaking at this event.
Carp Festival May 2013
Thanks to members Rick Ekstrand, Byron and Gail Moen, Christine Milam and Bethann Kramer for helping to support this community event. Many of our members stayed up late Friday May 17 to watch the boats out on the lake at night.
2013 Spraying for Curlyleaf Pondweed
The early spraying for curlyleaf pondweed was completed in early June. Over 72 acres of the lake was approved by the DNR to spray for this invasive species. The photos show our GLA volunteers onboard the associations pontoon getting ready.
Thanks to volunteersKevin Hogie, John Esmay, Ryan Lynch, Gene Kramer, Bret Evers, Don Schug, Bob Milam, Bruce Meyer and Jeff Holst for doing a great job.
March 2013 Ice, shoreline clean up
Spring 2013 Newsletter
Welcome to Our New Website
We’ve recently redesigned our site. New functions include a community forum and mobile responsive site. That means you can visit on your tablet or smartphone with ease!
Our community forum is a place where all members can post questions, pictures and start conversations. You will need to register to post to the forum but you can read it without registration. We hope you find it fun and helpful to interact freely with other members of our great association.
We hope you like the changes!
GLA sweatshirts for sale
Order your Green Lake Association apparel direct from Donald’s Uniform. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts and tote bags are available. Use the following link to order your’s today,
Adult sizes are M,L, XL.
GLA Annual Meeting
Title: GLA Annual Meeting
Location: Chisago Community Center
Description: GLA Annual Meeting: October is membership drive month
Start Time: 7:00 pm
Date: 2012-09-20