See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.

Local discounts with your GLA Membership Card

Receive discounts at the following locations with your GLA membership card:

Wagon Wheel10% off

Meredee’s Bistro10% off

Chisago Roadhouse Tavernbuy one sandwich get a second of equal value free

Chiko’s10% off

North Star Coffee10% off

Holst Plumbing10% off up to a maximum of $50.00

InfiNet Marketing$500 Basic 5 Page Website ($250 savings)

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GLA Annual Meeting

Green Lake Association annual meeting. The annual Green Lake Association meeting will be held on Thursday September 20th at 7:00 pm at the Chisago City community center. The meeting is open to the public.

Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

Invasive weed treatment update. We’ve had a busy summer with weed treatments. I’m pleased to report that the Chisago county Lake Improvement District and the Minnesota DNR have been providing monetary assistance with our treatments this year. We have treated 80 acres of Eurasian Milfoil in seven different areas on Big and Little Green Lake. We’re already making plans for 2013 and the process starts early. Mapping the problem areas for invasive vegetation is very important and this is done when we can see the problem areas the summer before we treat. We hope to extend the treatments in 2013 and include an extensive Curly-leaf Pondweed treatment in May. Treating Curly-leaf is challenging because the treatment is done before the weeds come up and the conditions need to be right for a treatment to have an effect. Water temperature and wind conditions need to be right and the maps made the summer before are critical. Your charitable donations and membership fees are critical to our efforts. Please become a member and volunteer your time. We can use help in many ways including fund raising, treatments, lake cleanup etc.. Fighting invasive species on Green Lake is a lot of work and very expensive so please help us protect this valuable and precious resource that we’re so fortunate to have as our back yard.

Don Schug
GLA President

Green Lake Association Welcomes New Officers!

Green Lake Chisago City Association News

The Green Lake Association would like to welcome the following new officers as they take on their new positions.

Don  Schug…..President

Bob Milam……Treasurer

Brooks Lillehei….Secretary

Please support these new volunteers and the GLA by becoming a member and /or a committee member. See Contactsand Get Involved sections of this web site.

President’s Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

What a year this has been when it comes to the weather. We have had a taste of all that Mother Nature has to offer. Spring was cool and wet and summer has been hot and stormy. We can only imagine what fall and winter will be. One positive that has come out of the unpredictable weather this year is the water quality in Green Lake this season. The cool and wet spring along with the water level being up appears to have had a positive effect on invasive weed growth. Outside of the south end of the lake which is always problematic the main body of Big and Little Green has seen minimal Milfoil and Curly Leaf growth. Algae bloom is also way down to this point. The GLA treated forty eight acres in the south bay Aug 8th for Milfoil (see map). This treatment was done later in the season than usual because of the weather and the state shutdown. We have always known in our treatment strategy that nature plays a large part in the equation. Some seasons have heavier weed growth than others but we must remember that invasive weeds will not just go away on their own. Annual treatments must continue till there is a viable cure for this problem. Green Lake has had invasive species for many years but we have been lucky to maintain a water quality that makes Green one of the best recreational lakes in the area. This is due in part to the work the Green Lake Association has done over the years. Support your lake association any way you can especially by volunteering. This is a prelude into the part of this article that is a bit emotional for me.

This will be my last article as president of the Green Lake Association. In the past six years as president I have learned a lot about invasive species and our lake. I have also met many good people and made new friends. I personally want to thank everyone who has been involved in the GLA during my tenure and all of those who have supported the association over the years. The lake association is a community effort and can not exist without volunteers and supporters. It is time to pass the torch to new leadership to carry on the work the GLA has done for over a decade. This association is a valuable asset to the property owners on Green Lake and should be recognized as such. The GLA annual meeting will be Thu Sept 29th, 7PM at the Chisago Community Center. This meeting is open to the public to voice their opinions and offer ideas to the lake association. It is also the time that current or perspective board members are voted in for another term. Please support the GLA by attending this meeting. The association needs volunteers to support any new board members voted in at the annual meeting. Keep your lake association alive by stepping forward. Again thank you to all who have worked with me over the years. I could not have headed this organization without you.

Dan Standish

Green Lake Association President

Board Positions Open for 2012:

Green Lake Chisago City Association News

Voting will be at the GLA Annual meeting Sept 29th.

Results of voting will be forthcoming.

Green Lake association President Candidate:

My name is Don Schug and I would like to be considered for a position as a Green Lake Association officer. I live on Justen Ave., which is on the south side of the lake. I have been on the lake 20 years and have seen many changes to the lake in that time. I would like to continue the good work done by our current officers and volunteers to keep Green Lake great. Thank you.

Don Schug

Green Lake Association Treasure Candidate:

My name is Bob Milam. I’m VP and partner for Micro Inc. in St Paul and I started the company in 1993. We specialize in products and services for education and government agencies. I was born and raised in Chicago Illinois and moved to Minnesota in 1990. I have lived on Green Lake since 1998 with my wife Christine and 3 boys. We all enjoy the outdoors and snow boarding, fishing and water sports. I’ve served on boards for the Arrigonni foundation, St Peter’s in Forest Lake finance committee and Forest Lake cub scouts as treasurer.

Bob Milam

Treasurer’s Report

Green Lake Association Chisago City MN Treasurer Report

Fall brings many changes, change in the weather and colors on the trees, birds flying south and hunting season to name a few.

The Green Lake Association will also be experiencing a change.

I have enjoyed my position as treasurer for the past 6 years, however it is time for me to say goodbye.  I will transition my duties to the candidate that is elected during the Annual Meeting on September 29, 2011.

Thank you for your support,

Julie Vick – Treasurer




Interest Inc $         76.51
Prepaid Membership Dues Refunded (105.00)
Recycling 1,031.60
TOTAL INCOME $     1,003.11
Bingo Expenses (2010 ad) $         70.00
Chemicals 2,083.80
Insurance-Pontoon 502.00
Lake Clean-up 35.00
Licenses and Permits 55.25
Newsletter 252.83
Subscriptions-Website 170.00
Supplies 81.99
TOTAL EXPENSES $     3,250.87
NET INCOME/(LOSS) $    (2,247.76)
Cash in Checking $     7,536.28
Cash in CD’s $   15,663.46
Total Cash as of 9/7/2011 $   23,199.74

Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

With the lake dotted with fish houses and snow mobiles darting about, open water and warm days seem an eternity away. Even with much winter left to go the GLA is busy planning the 2011 treatment season. In recent months invasive species that plague our lakes has received more press and awareness is growing greater than ever before. This is do to the increasing number of lakes being infested with Milfoil and Zebra Muscles. The

GLA has worked for over a decade on keeping Milfoil and Curly Leaf at bay in Green Lake. This effort will continue in 2011. Our focus will be on Milfoil this coming season.

I am sure most of you are aware of the foot hold Milfoil is taking in Little Green. This is of great concern to the GLA and we will be treating a large area in Little Green for Milfoil along with the south bay of Big Green. Other areas of infestation will be evaluated for possible treatment. There have been proposals by the DNR and the Pollution Control Agency that may affect the amount of acreage the association can treat in 2011. We will map the areas we identify to treat and submit for appropriate permits. The DNR response to the permit applications will either result in treatment of all areas requested or partial. We will have to see how this plays out. At this point in time there is still no cure for the invasive species that infest our lakes. The only coarse of action is annual treatments to attempt to keep the worst infested areas under control. In doing this

there is betterment to the water quality, lake access and algae formation is lessened. The Green Lake Association has worked hard over the years to preserve the quality of our lake and through its diligence Green Lake remains the best recreational lake in the area.

It is the responsibility of all who live on and use Green Lake to get involved in some capacity to retain its legacy as a clean and safe lake.

Dan Standish
GLA President