See all recent and past news and announcements from the Green Lake Association below. If you’d like to contribute to the Green Lake Association Blog & News page, please contact us.

2011 Green Lake Association Membership

Do to the uncertain future of the Green Lake Association there will be no private or business membership dues collected for 2011. All past business ads will remain in the 2011 news letters at no charge as a thank you for your patronage. Should new leadership

step forward to continue the GLA, membership renewal notices will be sent out for the 2012 season. Any members who have paid their dues for 2011 will receive a refund. Thank you to all of our members who have supported the association’s efforts over the years.


Ki-Chi- Saga Days Parade
Wow!  We had a pretty hot day but that didn’t stop the hardy people of Chisago City from turning out for the parade.  The Green Lake Association pontoon was one of the units and we rocked this town.  We celebrated by giving out candy, t-shirts and can koozies.  Every body had a great time.

Fall Festival
Cooler weather is finally here, beautiful sunny days and cool nights.   This is the season for our Annual Fall Festival.  Mark your calendars for Sat. Oct. 9 at 7 pm.  The event will be held at the Community Center.  It will include bingo, a silent auction, and meat raffle.  Beverages and snacks will be for sale and as always coffee is free.  We hope everyone will come and enjoy the evening.  The Green Lake Association appreciates you support.

Green Lake Association Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting is a yearly event that is open to the general public.  This year it will be on Thursday Nov. 4 at 7 pm at the Community Center.  We will recap our functions of this past year.  This is also the time to elect new Green Lake Association board members.  All positions are open.  This includes president, secretary, treasurer, and fundraising chair.  A speaker is yet to be announced.  We hope all members will attend.

Paid Members as of September 27, 2010

Anderson, Robert & Patti
Anderson, Susan
Arias, Modesto & Debra
Barnes, Tom & Sally
Baxter, Christopher & Elizabeth
Benser, Earl & Nancy
Bjornson, Dr. Ann-Marie & Lars
Brelje, Terry & Sue
Buss, Glen
Bychowski, Thomas & Mary
Carlson, Neil & Michelle
Carlson, Norman & Phyllis
Carlson, Ron
Carr, David & Terri
Cartier, Richard & Cecelia
Christensen, Brian & Karla
Dery, Leo & Gail
Dreckman, Kristy
Ekstrand, Richard & Mary
Elton, Mike & Judy
Esmay, John & Deborah
Evers, Bret
Ficocello, Steven & Renee
Fors, Mark & Sally
Fox, Pamela
Gartland, Wayne
Glassing, Bernice
Grabau, Terry & Joann
Grams, Terry & Wanda
Graphenteen, Bob
Greene, Jon
Guertin, James & Elaine
Gustafson, Bob & Melva
Hale, Alan
Hannigan, Patrick & Kathy
Hanson, Roger & Marlene
Hawthorne, Michael & Deborah
Helps, Richard & Crystal
Herfindahl, Larry & Deb
Hogie, Evlynn
Hogie, Kevin
Imm, Paul
Irons, Art & Cindy
Jacobowski, Mary Jean
Johnson, Kevin & Kimberly
Jones, Eugene & Karen
Kempenich, Ethel
Kieffer, Tom & Amy
Kirby, John & Jolane
Klein, Darrol & Helen
Kleinkopf, Ronald & Mimi
Kolar, Mike & June
Kramer, Gene & Bethann
Krizan, Rocky & Kathy
LaCroix, Ken & Phyllis
Landeen, Frank & Cynthia
Larson, Ben & Rose
Larson, LeRoy & Joyce
Lofgren, Karen
Lynch, Ryan & Kathryn

Rue, Marilyn
Ruetten, Roger & Peg
Schiro, Alvin
Schrug, Donald
Schultz, Marlowe & Gwen
Schuster, Lee & Kathy
Serbus, Terry & Carrolle
Shepard, Arlin & Maureen
Solem, Jack & Andrea
Sprain, Marlowe & Lois
Sproat, Sandy & Butler, Julie
Standish, Dan & Pam
Swanson, Mark & Linda
Swenson, Dean & Elaine
Thelen, Michael & Susan
Thistlewood, Donald & Joan
Thornberg, Faith & John
Tilly, Dave & Laurie Jo
Trivette, Roger & Stevens, Connie
VanMeveren, Chris & Nikki
Vick, Tim & Julie
Vig, John
Wallraff, Scott
Walstrom, Donny
Warnke, Bob & Bev
Wilking, John & Joyce
Wirkus, Celeste
Wolters, Paulette
Zehoski, Christine

Treasurer’s Report

Green Lake Association Chisago City MN Treasurer Report

Autumn is a beautiful season…time of “change”.  As you read the “President’s” article of changes to come, I also need a change!

I have been the treasurer for the last 6 years.  I’ve enjoyed my position as this is my field of work so naturally it comes “easy” for me.  I am willing to transition this position during the summer of 2011 to a qualified candidate.  Please come to our annual meeting on November 4.

We look forward to seeing you at our Fall Bingo/Silent Auction on October 9.

Here are some ways to support the GLA:

1.    Membership Dues  – $35
2.    Drop-off your aluminum cans at our Recycling Bin (Chisago Liquors)
3.    Volunteer  (committee member or at an event)
4.    Donate $ in the Paddle Boxes (Brinks, Chisago Liquors and Bait on 8)
5.    Purchase a Sweatshirt (Great Christmas Idea $10 – $15)
6.    Play Bingo (October 9)
7.    Donate a Silent Auction Item/Basket (By October 1)

Julie Vick – Treasurer

Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

Summer is coming to an end and what a summer it has been. It’s hard to remember the last time we had a summer this warm. Usually with such heat there is a drought associated but not this time. There has been a fair amount of moisture which has kept the grass and plantings looking good. The water quality in Green Lake has also been a surprise this summer. The heat and heavy rains are usually a contributor to algae blooms from runoff and accelerated weed growth. The typical dog days of summer green water condition has been minimal and late season weed growth has been much less than last year. Over all the water quality has been very good this summer all things considered. We still have major Milfoil issues in areas of Big and Little Green. This is an ongoing battle and will be addressed aggressively in 2011. Preliminary plans will be to treat more Milfoil than Curly Leaf next season. Milfoil has become the primary invader and must get the most attention. I would suggest that any shoreline owners who do not currently treat their frontage through a commercial applicator consider doing so. This in conjunction with the GLA off shore treatments (150ft out from shore) will help greatly in curbing the spread of Milfoil. There has really been no gain in water level even with the rainfall we have had. Green Lake remains low but not as bad as the surrounding lakes. You could sure tell by the activity on the lake this summer that hot weather naturally draws people to the water. We are very fortunate that even with the issues Green Lake has with invasive species it remains a beautiful relatively clean recreational lake. To maintain this quality it will require participation by all who use the lake. Residents and visitors need to be conscientious not to litter the waters or shorelines and be involved in supporting all efforts to fight invasive weeds such as Milfoil and Curly Pond Leaf. We all have a responsibility to the lake we live on to do what we can to preserver its cleanliness and beauty for current and future generations. The GLA would like to thank past and future supporters of the association and hope you all had a safe and enjoyable summer. See you at our Fall Festival Oct. 9th.

Dan Standish
Green Lake Association President

Important Notice!

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

2011 will be a pivotal season for the Green Lake Association. After three consecutive terms the current board will be stepping down. It is time for new concerned and dedicated individuals to take over and continue the work the GLA has done for over a decade. There is a growing concern by property owners on all the Chisago area lakes about the explosion of Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly Pond Leaf in the lakes. These invasive weeds are choking the waters, impacting water quality and decreasing property values for those who have lake frontage. There is no cure at this time but with seasonal treatments of the worse areas these exotic weeds can be kept at bay.

Green Lake has had Milfoil and Curly Leaf for years but remains the cleanest of the area lakes. This is due in part to the ability of the GLA to treat for invasive weeds on its own. Being able to do this can only be envied by other lake associations. The GLA’s expertise in this area is well respected by the DNR. The Green Lake property owners should be proud of their association and the work it has done over the years to preserver the quality of the lake. The GLA has been conscientious stewards of Green Lake and has made a positive impact on its well being. The loss of this asset would be devastating moving forward. When other lake shore owners and lake association grapple with how to deal with invasive weeds the Green Lake property owners have a viable organization in place to help deal with the problem. This comes at a tremendous cost savings over commercial treatments which is the only current option other than self treatments.

I have deep pride in the Green Lake Association and its accomplishments and hope its work can continue for many years to come. The positions of President, secretary and treasurer must be filled by Nov 1, 2011 or the Green Lake Association will cease to exist. There is also a need for committee members to support the board. Should the GLA be forced to disband its assets will be sold and the treasury proceeds donated to a selected non profit. This is the worse case scenario and should not have to happen. The 2011 season will be a transition time for new volunteers. Current position holders are willing to work with perspective replacements until they are comfortable. Don’t let Green Lake succumb to invasive weeds as some area lakes have. Volunteer for one of the board positions and keep your lake association alive and well. The more volunteers the less time commitment there is. For more details on any of the positions listed feel free to give me a call. Let’s work together to keep this valuable asset serving those who live on and enjoy Green Lake.

Dan Standish
GLA President

Paid Members as of June 19, 2010

Anderson, Robert & Patti
Anderson, Susan
Arias, Modesto & Debra
Barnes, Tom & Sally
Baxter, Christopher & Elizabeth
Benser, Earl & Nancy
Brelje, Terry & Sue
Buss, Glen
Bychowski, Thomas & Mary
Carlson, Neil & Michelle
Carlson, Norman & Phyllis
Carr, David & Terri
Cartier, Richard & Cecelia
Christensen, Brian & Karla
Dreckman, Kristy
Elton, Mike & Judy
Esmay, John & Deborah
Evers, Bret
Ficocello, Steven & Renee
Fors, Mark & Sally
Gartland, Wayne
Grabau, Terry & Joann
Grams, Terry & Wanda
Graphenteen, Bob
Greene, Jon
Guertin, James & Elaine
Gustafson, Bob & Melva
Hale, Alan
Hanson, Roger & Marlene
Hawthorne, Michael & Deborah
Helps, Richard & Crystal
Herfindahl, Larry & Deb
Hogie, Evlynn
Hogie, Kevin
Irons, Art & Cindy
Johnson, Kevin & Kimberly
Jones, Eugene & Karen
Kempenich, Ethel
Kieffer, Tom & Amy
Kirby, John & Jolane
Klein, Darrol & Helen
Kleinkopf, Ronald & Mimi
Kramer, Gene & Bethann
Krizan, Rocky & Kathy
LaCroix, Ken & Phyllis
Landeen, Frank & Cynthia
Larson, Ben & Rose
Larson, LeRoy & Joyce
Lofgren, Karen
Lynch, Ryan & Kathryn
Maitrejean, Tom & Denise
Maslowski, Gary & Judy
Martin, George & Patricia
Mattson, Wayne & Rhonda
Medellin, Victor & Sara
Mielzarek, Margie
Mlynarczyk, Tina
Moe, Gary & Patricia
Moen, Byron & Gail
Mohr, Rob & Jenni
Montbriand, Darrell & Barb
Montzka, Ben & Emily
Morin, Lee & Sharon
Mortenson, John & Alice
Nelson, Phillip & Sonja
Olson, Roger & Sherry
Parsons, John & Sandy
Raabe, Carol & Jan
Radmann, Ted & Tanya Koester Radmann
Ralidak, Karen
Rasmussen, Steven & Janet
Reding, Tom
Remackel, John & Marlene
Robinette, James & Marcella
Rogahn, Don & Kathy
Rue, Marilyn
Ruetten, Roger & Peg
Schiro, Alvin
Schrug, Donald
Schultz, Marlowe & Gwen
Schuster, Lee & Kathy
Serbus, Terry & Carrolle
Shepard, Arlin & Maureen
Solem, Jack & Andrea
Sprain, Marlowe & Lois
Sproat, Sandy & Butler, Julie
Standish, Dan & Pam
Swanson, Mark & Linda
Swenson, Dean & Elaine
Thelen, Michael & Susan
Thistlewood, Donald & Joan
Thornberg, Faith & John
Trivette, Roger & Stevens, Connie
VanMeveren, Chris & Nikki
Vick, Tim & Julie
Vig, John
Wallraff, Scott
Walstrom, Donny
Wilking, John & Joyce
Wirkus, Celeste
Wolters, Paulette
Zehoski, Christine

Treasurer’s Tidbits

What great lake weather we have had so far!

Our membership renewals have been awesome this year…all paid members are listed in this newsletter.  If you have not done so it is NOT to late to send your dues in for 2010 as they are accepted all year long.  Membership dues are the major revenue stream and we are behind budget by $700.

Let’s support the GLA in the following ways:

1.    Membership Dues  – $35
2.    Drop-off your aluminum cans at our Recycling Bin (Chisago Liquors)
3.    Volunteer  (committee member or at an event)
4.    Donate $ in the Paddle Boxes (Brinks, Chisago Liquors and Bait on 8)
5.    Purchase a Sweatshirt
6.    Play Bingo (October 9)
7.    Donate a Silent Auction Basket ( by October 1)

Julie Vick – Treasurer


The annual July 4th Boat Parade has been cancelled.
Due to no event coordinator and lack of participation.

Spring Bingo

Our spring bingo was a moderate success.  The beautiful April weather gave everyone spring fever and we all wanted to be outside.  We thank all who attended to support the Green Lake Association.  A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers who helped with this event.

Pam Standish

Presidents Corner

Green Lakes Chisago City MN President corner

Spring has sure been interesting so far. We have had our usual Minnesota weather ups and downs but overall it has been  beautiful.  Summer is upon us and with it comes much activity on Green Lake. There is good and bad with the increased activity. The good is that we all look forward to the warm weather and getting out on the water. The bad is that with increased boat activity Milfoil is being spread to areas that were not infested in the past. This is especially evident in Little Green. The GLA treated 20 acres in Big and Little Green for Curly Pond Leaf on 5/17. A twenty acre treatment in the south bay of Big Green for Milfoil will be done the first part of June. We are fighting a huge battle with limited resources and funds. Every season brings new trouble areas and the GLA has to pick and choose where the treatments will be for that given season. A couple of seasons ago the predominant problem was Curly Pond Leaf. The association focused it’s treatments on this invasive weed. Since then Eurasian Milfoil has taken over as the biggest threat. This said the 2011 treatment season will see greater areas of Milfoil treated especially in Little Green. Invasive weeds are and have been a very serious threat to the water quality and well being of our lake. Until there is a permanent cure annual battles must be waged against these invaders. Complacency will result in the lake we love
succumbing to the choking effect of these exotic weeds. Even if you do not partake in water activities and live on the lake for its visual beauty, this is also in jeopardy. The solvency of your lake association is paramount in addressing invasive weeds in Green Lake. The GLA is also involved in other activities that positively affect the lake and those who live around it. I am asking that all who are concerned about the well being of Green Lake do the following. Support your lake association by becoming a member, Volunteer to take a board position or committee position, Treat your shoreline frontage. This will help with the fight. If we come together we can hold invasive weeds like Milfoil and Curly Leaf at bay in Green Lake. Let’s do what we can to keep the quality of our lake what we have become accustom to. If you have any questions feel free to call or email me any time. My number is in the back of this news letter. Have a safe and enjoyable summer.

Dan Standish
GLA President