Green Lake Association Meeting
May 7, 2017 .
Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Bruce Meyer, Cheryl Kempenich, Bret Evers.
Curly Pondleaf spraying went well, in the narrows on Big Green the curly leaf looks good. By the Little Green boat landing it died off.
Spray markers are going to be put out during spray. The spray needs to be done in larger areas (5 acre parcels) because of the type of chemical used. It sinks in a different way than other chemicals. Waiting for the permit from the DNR. Bob will get ahold of Chris from the DNR this week because the milfoil is up. We need a place to deliver the 17 barrels of chemical.
We will have Craig come out and retrofit the boat for the spray. Craig is the person who did the Curly leaf spraying. We could probably have Jeff Hoyt retrofit the piping for the hookup. We will do this after the spraying is done for next year.
Fishing pier is back on, Bill Mack showed up and talked with Carol. Bill will make it 26ft off of the lot line. It should be about 6 weeks to get it in.
Camp Ojekita expanded their dock for tying up to, to go into the park.
Muskrats are out in full force. The otter has been seen on Big Green.
Summer events – 1 st and 3 rd Thursdays of the month is the Floatilla event. Connie will send out a Facebook post. Should we do a potluck?
Lake Management is going to spray the channels in the Back Bay. Bob will contact them to do it.
Fall Meeting – speaker from the Lake Lobbying group (Minnesota Lakes and Rivers). Our positions are up, we need to have a ballot sheet set up at the annual meeting.
Forest Lake’s annual meeting had close to 200 people at their meeting.
102 paying members, that is about 1/3 of the residents/businesses. Spring newsletter brings in the most.