Green Lake Association Meeting March 22, 2015. Bob Milam, Christine Milam, Connie Mayfield, Dong Schug, Bruce Meyer
Lake levels are ok so far. Little rain projected until June.
DNR got back to Bob on the permits for spraying. We won’t get the Milfoil until later. Curly Leaf is harder to get because the DNR comes and inspects the area for spraying. Bob went out on his snowmobile to check the area with homes to map out the amount needed. DNR is giving $17,500. The Back Bay is from our money, no grant money is used. Beth from DNR has us down for the spraying. It’s a special permit because it is natural vegetation.
LID wants the maps of the treatment. They want to view the treatment area and then they award the grant money. LID will give us $6,000 per lake.
Door Knockers – we are just going to put it in the newsletter.
Tony Haverneck was on a show on TV about Clam Lake and the carp harvesting.
The Swedish Inn is reopened.
Coalition meeting is at the golf course. In the fall they want to have an all lake association meeting. One speaker and breakout into smaller association meeting. Late September, early October on an evening during the week. Coalition wants volunteers for the Water Festival at Harmony at the park.
DNR is considering dredging the boat landing on Big Green. It is in rough shape, there is a rock pile out there.
Swans and Sand Hill Cranes are out flying. Trying to find open water.
Lake Clean up went very well. There were families out there cleaning up.
We need to keep 2 groups of volunteer sprayers when we spray for weeds, 4 hour stints are good, then they don’t too tired. We need to get younger people involved.
Grants are available, Casey Theil, Soil and Water will work with homeowners for rain gardens.
Minnesota has a program to pay the farmers to plant a buffer to stop rain runoff into the lakes. It is going through the legislature. Governor Dayton is pushing for this.
We have someone who may want to work on the website.
Quicken can generate invoices to the businesses for yearly business membership.
I think GLA’s status for non-profit is 501c3.