Present: Cheryl Kempenich, Bruce Meyer, Bob Milam, Bret Evers, Connie Mayfield, Monica Kinny
Fishing Pier – Pier is in and people are using it. City is now pushing back on putting a concrete
sidewalk to the pier, prefer to just raise the pier up so there is less slope for users.
Ojiketa Beach – has been cleaned of vegetation and beach enlarged. Areas looks really nice, needs sand
which should come next spring, and a couple more picnic tables. There were 10-12 boats at the beach
on Sunday of Labor Day. Suggested that we plan a GLA meeting there in the future.
GLA pontoon has had some improvements made this summer to help regulate chemicals to flow into
the lake. There was a roll up door/platform installed to help with rolling barrels of chemical onto the
boat. Also, a toggle switch was installed for better control of chemical rate.
Annual meeting is set for Oct 12 at public library. Casey Thiel – Soil & Water Conservation will be
speaking, as well as Monica Kinny regarding water quality.
Bret Evers announced he is stepping down as Vice President, Cheryl Kempenich has expressed interest
in the VP position, therefore the treasurer position would open up for 2017-2019.
Financials – we are in excellent standing with $45,300. Will use some of the monies towards a
membership social in 2018.
Recycling cans is moving steadily, but the price of aluminum is down so we do not get as much monies
as in the past.