With the lake dotted with fish houses and snow mobiles darting about, open water and warm days seem an eternity away. Even with much winter left to go the GLA is busy planning the 2011 treatment season. In recent months invasive species that plague our lakes has received more press and awareness is growing greater than ever before. This is do to the increasing number of lakes being infested with Milfoil and Zebra Muscles. The
GLA has worked for over a decade on keeping Milfoil and Curly Leaf at bay in Green Lake. This effort will continue in 2011. Our focus will be on Milfoil this coming season.
I am sure most of you are aware of the foot hold Milfoil is taking in Little Green. This is of great concern to the GLA and we will be treating a large area in Little Green for Milfoil along with the south bay of Big Green. Other areas of infestation will be evaluated for possible treatment. There have been proposals by the DNR and the Pollution Control Agency that may affect the amount of acreage the association can treat in 2011. We will map the areas we identify to treat and submit for appropriate permits. The DNR response to the permit applications will either result in treatment of all areas requested or partial. We will have to see how this plays out. At this point in time there is still no cure for the invasive species that infest our lakes. The only coarse of action is annual treatments to attempt to keep the worst infested areas under control. In doing this
there is betterment to the water quality, lake access and algae formation is lessened. The Green Lake Association has worked hard over the years to preserve the quality of our lake and through its diligence Green Lake remains the best recreational lake in the area.
It is the responsibility of all who live on and use Green Lake to get involved in some capacity to retain its legacy as a clean and safe lake.
Dan Standish
GLA President